Marcel Ruettgers

Marcel Ruettgers

I help startups and freelancers build systems that empower them to deliver exceptional customer experiences


What makes your 90-Day Startup Scalability Accelerator different from other consulting services?

Our 90-Day Startup Scalability Accelerator is uniquely tailored for tech startups looking to streamline operations, integrate cutting-edge technologies, and foster high-performance teamwork. Unlike generic consulting services, our approach is hands-on and customized to your specific challenges and goals. We focus on the most critical areas that impact your bottom line, including project management, system optimization, and customer journey design. Our track record of transforming startups into scalable, efficient businesses sets us apart.

How quickly can we expect to see results from your program?

You can expect to see significant improvements within the first few weeks of the program. Our comprehensive assessment and planning phase quickly identifies and addresses major inefficiencies, while the implementation phase integrates effective systems and processes. By the end of the 90 days, you will experience enhanced operational efficiency, better project execution, and a more cohesive team culture, all contributing to sustainable growth and a superior customer experience.

What kind of support do you provide during and after the program?

During the program, we offer continuous support through regular check-ins, progress monitoring, and hands-on guidance. We ensure that your team is fully trained and comfortable with the new systems and processes. After the 90 days, we provide ongoing support options to help you maintain and optimize your operations. This includes data-driven adjustments and strategic advice to ensure your startup continues to grow and thrive.

How do you customize the program to fit our specific needs?

Our approach begins with a detailed assessment of your current projects, systems, and team dynamics. We identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement specific to your startup. Based on this assessment, we develop a tailored action plan that addresses your unique challenges and objectives. We work closely with you to implement this plan, ensuring that the solutions we provide are perfectly aligned with your goals and resources.

Is this program suitable for startups at all stages of growth?

While our program is particularly beneficial for early to mid-stage tech startups experiencing rapid growth, the principles and strategies we use are adaptable to startups at various stages. Whether you are just beginning to scale or looking to optimize existing operations, our 90-Day Startup Scalability Accelerator provides the tools and insights necessary to drive efficiency, enhance customer experience, and achieve sustainable growth.


Traditional project management approaches fall short in today's fast-paced tech landscape, especially for startups struggling with scaling effectively. Over the past years, I've developed a unique method for project management that turns disjointed teams, inefficient systems, and mismanaged projects into powerful growth engines.My tailored approach empowers startups to exceed operational and growth objectives by streamlining project execution, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technologies, and fostering a culture of high-performance teamwork. Now, your startup can navigate its critical growth phases with maximum efficiency and innovation.
Is that worth a conversation? Get in touch!


Thank you for considering working with us. To ensure exceptional service delivery, we only take on a small number of clients each month. Please fill out the form below, and we will contact you to see if you qualify.

Admiraal de Ruijterweg 176-E
1056 GZ, Amsterdam
The Netherlands